Easter Weekend Restrictions
The Cabinet determined that beaches in Antigua and Barbuda will be closed for four consecutive days beginning on Thursday evening, April 1, 2021, from 7:00 pm, to Tuesday morning, April 6, 2021, at 5:00 am. The decision was informed by the rich cultural traditions at Easter among Antiguan and Barbudan families to go picnicking on the Easter weekend; and, the likelihood of a super-spreader on any beach as large numbers enter to cavort and to cluster. Last Sunday’s excess numbers on several beaches also played an important role in the decision-making.
The Chief Medical Officer was invited to Cabinet in order to provide advice on beach closure and reduced face-to-face classes on April 12, 2021; a) the CMO expressed support for those two policy options adopted by the Cabinet. b) the continued closure of the offshore islands for private parties was also agreed during the CMO’s discourse. c) fishers, both sport fishers and regular fisherfolk, enjoy exemptions from the weekend restrictions and may take their vessels out to sea during the Easter weekend; however, private pleasure craft are NOT allowed to set sail during the Thursday to Monday Easter closure of the beaches and seas. d) vessels transporting passengers and/or goods to and from Barbuda are exempt.
In a media release The Antigua & Barbuda Defence Force (ABDF) Coast Guard reaffirmed the decision made by the Cabinet concerning the closure of beaches and seas.
"All are advised that beaches in Antigua & Barbuda will be closed for four (4) consecutive days beginning Thursday evening April 1st from 7pm to Tuesday morning April 6th at 5am.
Visits to offshore islands for private parties have also been restricted.
Commercial fishing vessels (both regular and sport), ferry services and vessels transporting passengers and /or goods to and from Barbuda are exempt from the weekend restrictions. All other water craft are to remain in port.
The ABDF Coast Guard will facilitate the movement of all prohibited water craft under exceptional circumstances on a case by case basis. All vessels seeking authorisation of movement must provide a sail plan upon request.
The ABDF Coast Guard can be contacted via Marine Radio Channel 16 or telephone +1-268-462-3206/462-0671/462-2841/3"
1 April 2021 at 4:00:00 pm
The Cabinet met yesterday Wednesday 31st March 2021.