Parham Harbour and North Sound
The channel on either side is marked by two red balls just off Maiden Island. The channel is easy to spot but do not attempt to enter or leave except under daylight conditions. There is a small hurricane hole in the mangroves on the southeast side with a dredged entrance of six feet. The jetty end to the east of Myers Cove has five feet of water.
There are myriad uninhabited islands in Parham and North Sound and close by on the Crabbs Peninsular is North Sound Marina with a large concrete hard, hurricane tie downs and a large enclosed storage shed. There are plenty of marine services based there along with a chandlery.
Midway through the channel is Maiden Island, a shell collectors dream . There is a pleasant anchorage under the arm of the island but stay clear of the channel.
Across North Sound is a group of islands, each differing in rock formation, plant and animal life. The reefs surrounding the islands makes approaching them even in a small boat impossible, however their proximity to each other makes exploring in a dinghy possible.
Originally the main port for Antigua in the late 1600's when Englishman Clement Tudway operated Parham Plantation, a sugar plantation there.
Now it is home to Parham fishermen. Parham Harbour is a well protected anchorage located on the north coast.
Whats Close?
North Sound Marina for storage facilities, travel hoist and marine services and limited berthing.
A bus runs from Parham Village to St John's East Bus Station from the morning to late afternoon.
Parham village has an architecturally interesting Anglican church, worth a visit.
The village also has a few shops for staples and of course bars.